What Is Myristica fragrans Houtt ?

Mean :

Nutmeg (Myristica fragrans Houtt) are an its the living one plant at tropical mountain, one that so lush. This plant ditanamdi's ordinary garden and other place on a high vicinity 1000 m of sea levels. PaIa constitutes plant obatan which seringkaIi is called at Pharmacopoeia, Ingredient obatan National or is written as recipe official, and is used at least at 23 states.. Nutmeg plant also constitutes one of mace plant that most turns in at Myristicaceae's kin. Result of this plant is its fruit, and in form grades nutmeg, mace and fixed oil. As commodity of export that adequately effloresce at Indonesia and have pointed out its role in give employment at agricultural area, commerce and industry and farmer revenue enhancement,therefore needful an effort to keep continuity of its export. That effort is by strengthen and or fix conducting technology and pasca harvests with backed up by farm accessibility suitably divides nutmeg plant development at Indonesian. Danaman is nutmeg a lot of at tumukan at exhaustive idonesia especially at Nanggroe's Province Darussalam's Acheh at Regency Abdya and south Acheh.

Plant form:
Chemical Substance content:
Nutmeg contains substance substance: flying oil (myristin, pinen, kamfen (substance puts to sleep), dipenten, pinen safrol, eugenol, ISO eugenol, alcohol), gliseda (acid miristinat, acid oleat, borneol, giraniol), protein, fat, pati is sugar, A's vitamin, B1 and C. Face Cream constant contains trimyristin.

Nutmeg seed is known as Myristicae cement that contains to grade Myristica Fragrans with streaked whitewashed, after its mace is kept away. Its seed is oleaginous flies, and has fragrant and aromatic taste that rather bitter. As much 8 17% oil fly those are on the market constitute principal material on mace.

PaIa is known as pelepas's doctor excess gases at intestine and as salving as belly. Skin and its oleaginous leaf flies by agreeable nutmeg fragrant. Irian's nutmeg is used as cathartic whereas masculine nutmeg is used as rnencret's doctor and aphrodisiac. Dry flower (Nutmeg flower) used on all sort fete mixture. Color fresh rubber greenish of its fruit (water therewith) used as gargle to cure sprue. beguna's Nutmeg soap to cure rheumatism.

Special utility of Nutmeg seed, yarig is known as Nux Moschata M.moschata is that of homoeo pathi's doctor. Hard seed afters is washed to remove its whitewash, made as tinktur (soaked in alcohol) or flour. homoeopathis's doctor behoof to cure histeri's pain, constipation, diarrhoea and wakeful disease or bellying bloated.

PaIa's seed was evident successful cure diarrhoea on human and also on animal. At India and also at Indonesia, Nutmeg seed was common being used as doctor of diarrhoea. Base pembuktikan at labolatorium that grades nutmeg react with prostaglandin prostaglandin

- If nutmeg seed measuring most tall bygone therefore will evoke effect stimulates (nearly approaches keracunan), since nutmeg seed evokes effect to put to sleep and evokes strong excitement on urat nerve overtook by depression and bear evidence of keracunan as headache, catalepsy, hallucination, giddiness carries the wind, tearing down, etcetera.
- Nutmeg seed causes to perceive ngantuk, lindir's skin and membrane is dry, tremor, out of one's mind and weight taste at carries the wind.

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